Sunday, December 24, 2006

Running to stand still?

I feel like a ran a marathon yesterday. A social marathon. It's been a whole week of that actually. Maybe even a whole month.

It was the best day.

Of course I tried to add just a pinch of "fuck-up" to it the minute I got home, but that's typical and I've decided to stop counting the things I do while I'm half-asleep.

I just realized that I'm preparing to leave like I'm never coming back. I'm trying to steal each and every moment and take from it everything I want, strip it and paste it in my mental photo album. I haven't stopped to say the things to people that I actually need to say -- the difficult things, or the things that require being well thought out in order not to sound contrite.

My life is such a whirlwind. Which is why from the moment I woke up today I decided to stick out my hand and scream "STOP!". And I made the morning wait for me.

But it won't wait forever. This day is waiting to see what I will make of it, and if I will remember to be genuinely grateful.

I feel refreshed.

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