Wednesday, August 30, 2006

meaningful distraction

He tells me that I am beautiful.

Sometimes I don't like it because who the hell cares if I am beautiful when the world is falling apart. But sometimes I close my eyes and let him touch my face, because he really likes that.

And sometimes I say to hell with it all. And I look at him with big eyes. But that isn't love, either.

He's my distraction.

It's the world's least this is my theory. If we could love without needing to love, I bet then we could change the world.

At least, it's a nice thought when I am lonely.

1 comment:

Srikanth said...


some times it becomes a checken and egg problem...

love <-> need

there is a very thin line that is differenciating these two words...

and at times its difficult to tell if it is love or need...

but... do think only of love.. and be happy. :o)